Thursday, September 25, 2008


Sharing from my new favorite political blogger: Heather ...
Patio Patty ©

I can't speak for anyone else who gives their opinions here, but I can speak for myself. I don't just talk about. I write (snail mail), email, fax, fed-ex, UPS, DSL, telephone and otherwise bug the crapola out of my representatives so they know what I think. And I get friends (some I've never met) to do the same, and so on, and so on, and so on. Trust me, we've tried other methods. Getting heard and being a pest, and being persistant does work. Otherwise, they're out of a job. This is a good system, it's just BUSHIT outta control! I'll bet you my favorite antique that somebody in that room today said something like, "...hey, are YOU ready to go to war against U.S. citizens?..."

We're mad as hell, and we're not going to take it anymore and I'm pretty sure they know it!!! The bottom line is, there are more of us than them! We're armed and they know that too!
I sincerely understand that bailing out this bank is the quickest way to keep from economic disaster, but the BIGGER questions are
1. HOW did this happen?
2. WHO is responsible?
3. WHAT are they going to do about THAT?!?!?!?

Also, Grampa (who went through the depression) always said "The quickest way, is not always the best solution. Pain & suffering are reminders that we get lessons from. And those lessons, are the ones that seem to stick!"

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